Subject: Re: Buenos Aires
Susie -

You actually made me relive my trips to B.A. so it is I that has to thank you. I love going there for a few days, specially in autumn and winter. For several years I had quite a few architectural jobs there. Those were very pleasant times.

We used to go for the opera season at the Teatro Colón - fantastic. Concerts were performed by great orchestras from all over the world. Museums and art galleries are very good and usually have great temporary exhibits. Parks and plazas are a joy to behold. Plaza San Martín is one of the most beautiful plazas I have seen. The trees are huge and very old and very beautiful. And of course, shopping in B.A. is a delight - specially when their peso has a good dollar exchange!!!

Carnival in Brazil is THE event of the year. People who belong to the different samba schools that make up the parades work for almost the whole year to prepare the floats, custumes, etc. Every city has its own carnival. Rio´s is the most famous with people from all over the world coming to watch or even participate in the parades. There the inhabitants of the many "favelas" (poor housing going up the hills) are the ones who make the best schools - as the samba groups are called. The whole show is fantastic - the colours and glitter and richness of the clothes and the structures they build on top of motor vehicles are really incredible.

However, I never went to one!!! It has always seemed too crowded an event for me or my family. At the beginning when we moved to São Paulo we used to watch the parades on TV, but even that stopped a long time ago. However, during these days from last Friday to tomorrow no one can avoid seeing and listening to news about Carnival - it seems to be in the air all over the country. And it is a national holiday so no one works from Saturday to Wednesday.

If I can help in any other way - just let me know. Have a wonderful trip. Susana São Paulo, Brazil