Subject: NYC, Pennsylvania hotel
Hi Asier,

Candice has it just about right; some of the rooms are OK, some are frankly not ok....if you do decide to go there, be prepared to look at a few rooms before accepting one - I managed to miss the closet door that was held on with string!. Friends got worse rooms lower down, but refurbishment may have changed this. Having said that, it's a pretty decent location, has a coffee shop & bar in the lobby & diners nearby.

I got a good price for the [designer]Schrager Hotel up on East 53rd[?](about 60 pounds sterling): nicely decorated, but some pretty small rooms and a bit out of the way for a first visit.

Still, I always resent fretting too much about a room I'll not be spending much time in!

have a good trip! cheers Stewart, London, UK