Subject: Palladio - Vicenza
Hi Mary,

You asked about visiting Palladio villas. These are in the countryside surrounding Vicenza, a jewel of a city we visited just ten days ago. We do not have a car but took a bus number 8 from Via Roma to the "La Rotonda" Villa stop (request announcement from driver on boarding). The villa was closed but without leaves on the trees we were able to get a beautiful (I hope) photo of the magnificent exterior. We then walked on a private way to the "Villa Al Nani", privately owned but famous for its frescoes. Palladio designed La Rotunda but not Al Nani.

If your travel dates are between March 5 and July 3, you are in luck! There is a marvelous first time ever offer, which includes Palladio villas, the Palladio museum and lots more. Check the web site for complete details:

Hope that helps! Linda and Don, writing from Spello