Subject: Re: The best travel guidebooks
Hi, Lucy... Oh, my goodness. What a time I have choosing just a couple guides to take with us to Paris -- I have a trunk full of Paris guidebooks! However, when it comes down to it, I take _Michelin the Green Guide Paris_, because it's so handy, alphabetical, and good maps. I also like the _Eye Witness Guide to Paris_, as with the photos, it's easy to see where I want to go, and it has good maps too. Most guide books don't have enough information, so I supplement with research on the internet and a couple of books on restaurants -- _The Food Lover's Guide to Paris_ by Patricia Wells and _Great Eats Paris_ by Sandra Gustafson. I recently purchased a new Paris guidebook that I really like -- it's huge, but light weight -- not really easy to carry around with us, but it has information the others don't have, such as directions on getting to La Butte aux Cailles and other less touristy areas. It's by Heather Stimmler-Hall, called the _Adventure Guide Paris & lle-de-France._ Most important to me, though, are two very small books... the first is called _Autobus de Paris_, with bus information and maps. I bought it in a Paris bookstore, near the Noctambus sculpture on the rue de Rivoli. With that and the Michelin #57 spiral, map book, _Paris Par Arrondissments_, which I bought on we can find our way around.

Best, Sandy