Subject: Re: Neuchatel, Fribourg, Lausanne
Hi Mark :)

Sorry - can't help with eating places. Only can share one impression in Fribourg and I could look up a nice B&B if you'd need one.

The one impression in Fribourg was BAD.... lol I searched my B&B just south of Fribourg, therefore entered the town seeing a lot of signs in my direction. Then I was in the middle of Fribourg - and saw no signs any more. Nothing. And the street directions were not clear enough to just try it (I thought). Therefore I went into one shop and tried my luck. They pretended not to understand my (limited but not bad) French. Next try was a police woman outside. Which gave me the direction using her hand, giving me a fierce look and telling me basically that I am too dumb to read the (non existing) signs..... I was really glad then that the B&B was owned by a very nice lady from the St. Gallen area and I had a nice time there. :)

Baerbel (near Stuttgart)