Subject: Re: Nicknames
Good morning Ziners,

Toronto is known as "Hogtown" but have no idea why. Linda may know the origin of that nickname.

Our city, Chatham, is known as the "Maple City" because of a preponderance of maple trees - Windsor, our neighbour 50 miles up the 401 Highway is called the "Rose City", although years ago it was referred to as the "Border City" and the newspaper was the Border City Star as Windsor is situated directly across from Detroit, Michigan.


Mod's note from Linda: I didn't know but now I do! Here's what I found: "Though it's recognized today as Canada's largest and most cosmopolitan city, Toronto has long been known as Hogtown because it held eastern Canada's largest concentration of stockyards. Immigrants in search of work could count on the fact that the slaughterhouses were always hiring."