Subject: Re: Vespa rental
Hello Jane,

the classical Vespa motorbike, like the one Gregory Peck and Audrey Hepburn rode in Rome, is no more available in Italy. The automatic transmission has made the manual shifting grip and the clutch lever on the left side of the handbar obsolete. There still is an updated model with the same name, but now most of the scooters are Japanese or Korean models, with windshields and large seats. They go from a minimum of 50 cc to 600 cc., but the smaller ones can't carry passengers. Rentals are available in major cities for local use or at holiday destinations. I found this site for scooter rental in Tuscany but I can't vouch for it of course. I don't know of major rental car companies renting motorbikes too.

A few advices from an old bike rider: - helmets and headlights must be always on - motorcycles under 150 cc can't ride on motorways - while the scooters with automatic transmission are easy to drive, their suspension aren't suitable for rough surfaces or offroad - the limited engine power of some models make carrying two people up a steep hill an adventure, as well as overtaking on busy roads - the mileage out of one liter is good but the tanks are little

Have fun! Paolo Trieste, Italy