Subject: Re: Quebec
Bonjour, Landra:

I second Gary's recommendation of the Charlevoix. My wife and I spent the long Easter weekend skiing Le Massif, 75 km east of Quebec City and were very impressed by the skiing, the hospitality and especially the scenery. I would recommend a lot more than a day trip, and that you continue east to Tadoussac at the mouth of the spectacular fjord of the Saguenay. (The main hotel there was used in the movie "Hotel New Hampshire") At Easter we stayed at Auberge La Pignoronde on the mountainside overlooking the picturesque and artist-filled town of Baie-St-Paul (founded 1670).. Every room, including the excellent dining room, has a gorgeous view of the town, the surrounding mountains and the St. Lawrence. The locals are not as bilingual as the Montrealais, so try starting a conversation in French: it will be much appreciated You will most likely get a response in English, a bit rudimentary perhaps, but sufficient to get what you want.

Eric, in Toronto