Subject: Re: Umbrellas
Hi Ziners,

I just can't resist weighing in on the umbrella issue. I've never used them much, partially because they're far too easy to forget. However, my years as a mommy, pushing strollers and holding hands in congested NYC, forever put me off of them. One of my last umbrella moments was when I was 8 months pregnant and got on a crowded bus with two small children in a pouring rain. I couldn't get my umbrella down. The other passengers, being New Yorkers, did not react, but as I got off, I heard the entire bus burst into laughter.

If it's raining lightly, I just walk between the drops. Otherwise I wear a waterproof jacket and gortex shoes. If it's really pouring and I'm going to be out for a long time, I also wear waterproof pants. I don't like hoods, though, because they obstruct vision and you have to put them up as soon as they start raining or their insides get wet. I've solved this problem with a wonderful foldable broad brimmed sun hat from Outdoor Research that I bought on sale for $10. It's nylon and I've worn it in tremendous downpours and it's never let me down. I call it my wearable mini umbrella.

Landra from upstate NY where the sun is shining