Subject: Luggage
Hi Ziners,

I don't know the derivation of the word "luggage," but has anyone noticed the first three letters are LUG? When I confirmed our reservations for a trip to France (9/27 - 10/12) the airline agent told me to be sure and pack any 35mm film in my hand-carried luggage. Apparently, the x-ray for checked bags has been beefed up even more. Since I hadn't read or heard this before, I thought it might be helpful for other Ziners. Yes, my digital sits in a drawer and I continue to use "Old faithful" point and shoot.

Also, a friend I introduced to the Zine included this in a recent message:

I have been taking the same things on the last few trips. Once you are there and in the midst of seeing everything, you really forget what you have on...just so your shoes are comfortable!!!

I always make a list of things I did NOT wear or use, but took. I keep the list in my stash of travel stuff (plastic ziploc bags, small size toiletries, locks, etc. that I store in my closet) It forces me to think twice the next time I pack.

I am not a true "one-bag" traveller, but I keep working on it. Considering the new enforcement of luggage weight limits, it may wind up being better to check one and roll one, especially if you have my propensity to acquire those wonderful mementos one just can't be happy without -- a teapot from China, wood carvings from Bali........oh yes, the list just goes on, but the memories they hold for me make them more valuable than lots of more costly things.

Happy travels to all,

Lou Matthews Lakeway, TX