Subject: Re: What wouldn't you leave behind? |
Good morning Ziners,
I always take a list of e-mail addresses for close family and friends, as well as a list of phone numbers. With so many internet cafés around, as well as free internet access in some cases, it's a cheaper and immediate method of letting people know where you are. Certainly, after receiving some horrendous phone bills after our February trip to Mexico, we are going to stick to using the internet to stay in touch. I also always take a small fold up nylon travel bag, originally given to me by my Sears travel agent. It's like a small pouch and has come in very handy when I pick up extra souvenirs and especially lots of chocolate. I also travel with Prell concentrate shampoo which I'm able to obtain in the U.S., but not Canada - it goes a long way with less chance of spillage although anything I think might leak goes into Ziploc bags which are invaluable. You can't go wrong either traveling with a few clean facecloths as some hotels in various countries don't always put them in the bathrooms. Pat, Ontario |