Subject: Re: Sleeping Tips for Trans-Pacific flight |
Hi Jet-Lagged Insomniacs,
After enduring crowded Economy flights between Australia and the rest of the world for more than 30 years I could go on about this topic at great length - however I'll try to confine myself to a few brief remarks - Whatever you do you and however comfortably you travel, you will still be jet-lagged for about a week after the flight. People who say they don't get jet lag are liars or incredibly unaware of their own bodies - You can however feel a bit better if you avoid dehydration and exercise your muscles on the flight - Alcohol causes dehydration so avoid it, cafein too if you want to sleep - Bring a couple of bottles of your own water so you are not dependent on the times when the crew bring refreshments around, although nowadays on long flights they're generally pretty good about that - Get your travel agent to request an aisle seat, ring the airline again before you leave to confirm the request and do a double check at check-in. This way you can get up and stretch and walk around any time you want without climbing over people in the middle of the night - Window seats are useless, if you want to look at the view you will always be asked to close the blind - the crew's aim is to get people to sleep so they can too I think! - Don't take more than the minimum cabin baggage - it's really selfish to roll on some great half ton suitcase and shove it under your seat so the person behind can't stretch their legs under your seat - Most but not all airlines supply flight masks on long flights so bring your own to be sure, also one of those horse shoe shaped little inflatable pillows helps to keep your head, neck and shoulders comfortable - Try to take it easy for a day or two after you arrive and when you return try not to go back to work the next day! Have a good trip Michael Sydney, Australia |