Subject: Things to do in London

While researching our upcoming short visit to London on our way to Ireland, I found things to do and see that are new to us. Here are a few of them.

The Museum of London traces the history of the city from the tundra up...

The Wallace Collection comprises the private collection of Lady Wallace, now a national museum.

Then there is the restored Globe Theatre.

This one fascinates me. Situated in the east end, the Ragged School was founded by Dr. Barnardo. Many orphans were sent to Canada at the beginning of the 20th century through the auspices of this man's established charity program.

For fans of Sherlock Holmes, this museum is devoted to all things Holmesian.

We have three days in London. We hope to visit Greenwich (gotta stand on the prime meridian again), and despite many visits to London, have yet to see the inside of St. Paul's. Also want to revisit a few places (St. Margaret's, Westminister is one of my favourite spots), so we will be short of time but would like to see some of the above mentioned "new" places. I'd be interested to know if any Ziners have been to any or all of them and if you think they are worth a visit.

Lucy, Toronto