Subject: Re: What wouldn't you leave behind |
I chuckled when I read Frances' post about seeing her shirt flapping in the wind in the sunroom while in Valletta. I can't think of anything that I would worry about leaving behind except my passport and a card that gives me access to cash. Though I must say that a beach towel can be handy as a blanket on an overnight ferry trip if you're forced to sleep in the disco. We've been through this more than once. Most important to me is telling family and friends where I will be so we can be in touch if necessary. Fortunately, we don't have to carry medications with us. When in Italy we usually start our trip with a stay in Spoleto at the Hotel Gattapone. It's small and beautifully situated beside the bridge overlooking the hills. We have many pics of the place, including one of the hotel taken from across the valley. The most prominent image is our laundry hanging from the hotel room window - underwear and all! Some would think this gauche. We decided that we fit in with the locals, because as Ziners who have travelled to Italy know, one prominent feature of villages and towns is laundry hanging from balconies. While backpacking in Europe as poor students in the 70's we discovered that shampoo works well for handwashing and we still use it to this day. Generally we don't care too much about our wardrobe when we travel. So on your world travels, if you see two scruffy-looking 50-something Canadians having the time of their lives, just say "Hi Dan. Hi Lucy". It's probably us. To get back to the original topic, in addition to the passport, the only thing I need is shampoo. But if I have a credit or bank card I can always buy shampoo. Lucy, Toronto (12 days 'til we fly to London and Ireland) |