Subject: Re: Retrieving money on travels
Dear Lucy,

Re: Russia and the Euro

At present you can pay in most stores and shops in Moscow and St. Petersburg in either Euros or USD. I would not purchase any rubles before you leave but obtain some while you are there for any cash purchases where they do not accept either of the above. The major stores though accept Euro and Dollars.

Bard Arroyo de la Miel

Modīs note. Lucy, Russia is not in the Euro zone (first, they would have to enter the EU, and frankly, I see it very difficult right now). Probably you have come across some website mentioning prices in Euros. That practice has become more and more usual, because the Euro is a strong currency (for the european Ziners, if travelling to Egypt, remember to bring plenty of 1 Euro coins for the young kids, although they do change the 5 Euro bills ... pretty handy ). Rgds, Covadonga (more on last yearīs enlargement. Next candidates to enter in 2007 or 2008 are Romania and Bulgaria)