Subject: London transport
Hi Ziners,

My computer's hard drive has just crashed, and I've lost all my trip planning notes for our trip to the UK in July, so I apologise if these questions are repeats.

Could anyone please give me the web addresses for London Underground and London Buses please. I will search the Zine archives in a couple of weeks for other information when the computer is back, but at present I'm using another computer and don't have much time.

Also, we will be staying in London in the Covent Garden area. We have ready access to 4 underground stations - Covent Garden, Charing Cross, Temple and Embankment. One of our travelling companions has some mobility difficulties, especially with stairs. Do any of these stations have better access than others?

Can anyone tell me whether the foot bridge over the Thames from near Charing Cross station has stairs at each end, or perhaps ramps?

Thank you all in anticipation. Sally, from Sydney