Subject: Re: Retrieving money on travels |
Hi Ziners,
Janet's comment about debit cards and ATM cards makes me want to reassure Canadians (and perhaps Europeans?) that you don't have to worry. In Canada, they are the same thing. Your Green Machine / TD access card or Instabank card can be both debit cards and ATM cards (or ABM - automated banking machine card). Just talk to your bank or check out its website if you are concerned. Most of the major Canadian banks and trust companies are on the Plus or Cirrus networks. PLUS network members in Canada include: Bank of Montreal, Bank of Nova Scotia (Scotiabank), Canada Trust, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC), Laurentian Bank, Royal Bank, Toronto-Dominion (TD) Bank, and caisses populaires (Francophone credit unions). CIRRUS network members in Canada include: Bank of Montreal, Credit Unions, National Bank, National Trust, and Royal Bank. To find ATM's around the world for each network, see our links page: Travel Tools folder An increasing number of ATM's are linked to both networks so it is easier to find the right one. Warning - President's Choice Financial cards don't work overseas, according to a friend. Also your bank card must be linked to your chequing account, not just savings. We have had no trouble with ATM's except years ago in Italy. Also once the whole system was down for a short time in Germany and we had to pay cash everywhere. The cafe kindly took a combination of American, Canadian as well as local currency! A good reason for stashing away one big bill for emergencies. Nowadays it would be a euro note. Frances Toronto, Canada |