Subject: Re: Japanese plumbing |
Hi Bettina, Ziners,
Plumbing is mostly no problem. In public areas like train stations, Shrines and such there was almost always at least one western toilet available. It is usually the last one at the end. When there is not specifically a western toilet, the handicapped facilities are western style and often so are the mother and infant facilites. Every place that I saw was kept very clean, but carry tissues with you, they often do not supply paper.
Facilities for the blind are excellent. In many places there
are even "traffic dividers" on the sidewalks. Someone
suggested to me that these were to help a blind person
locate him/her self See "Nara" photos:
For the physically disabled person or wheeelchair user it is
more difficult. The subways usually, but not always, have
escalators, more rarely elevators. The entrances to Temples
and Shrines all (seemed to me) to require climbing any
number of stairs.
Have a nice day.
Debby - Israel