Subject: Re: Summer Plans? |
Hi, Ziners.
Good thread, Linda. I don't usually travel in the summer any more (except Paris), as it's usually hot and crowded every where. When my kids were growing up, I always had to travel in the summer. Now I prefer Autumn and/or Spring. You almost always can get lower prices, too, when you avoid summer travel. My plans for this year: Just got back from a Pacific Coastal cruise a little over a week ago (Spring); and I'm going on a Western Mediterranean cruise with my son and daughter in October (Autumn). And, we're already planning next year. The 3 of us are going to Walt Disney World in Florida; in May my high school class reunion is taking place in Phoenix, Arizona; and, that October at least my daughter and I are going on another cruise: From Venice to Athens to Mykonos to Rhodes (Greece) to Dubrovnik (Croatia) and then back to Venice. It's a cruise that sounds like it was planned for us! We've wanted to visit Venice and the Greek Islands, and I've wanted to go to Croatia for a long time. Royal Caribbean came out with their 2006 itinerary the other day, and when we saw this one, we booked it right away. Diana San Diego, California |