Subject: Re: Argentina Side Trip

We spent 2 weeks in and around Buenos Aires last March, and to be honest, the highlight of our trip was the 4 days we spent in Uruguay. We stayed in a lovely hotel in Colonia, rented a motorbike, and rode up and down the coast visiting beaches, gardens, old churches, an old bull ring, ranches, and asadores galore.

Everything seemed just a little bit healthier in Uruguay-- the economy, the climate, the social fabric, the manner of doing business, even the food.

On the fast ferry, (the Buquebus), it takes about an hour to cross the inlet.

Joel, in Chicago

P.S. About arriving by bus instead of train into Siena, another Ziner Jerry, mentioned that his bus arrived at the train station, on the outskirts of town, and he then had to transfer to a city bus to get into the center. This isn't what I remembered from several years ago. Perhaps we might get some local clarification.