Subject: Google Local for US, Canada and now, the U.K.
Hi Ziners,

You may know about the local search feature for Google for the US and Canada - look for pizza near your hotel address in Detroit, for example. Recently my colleague in the library used it to locate and map the closest churches for a tourist. You can also get travel instructions - from your hotel to a museum, for example.

Now Google UK has local search.

Put in coffee in the first blank (what to find). Put a street address (Haymarket, London) in the Where blank.

Make it even more local - change the default search range to 1 mile by clicking on the link on the results page.

If you click on a letter on the map, a pop-up will allow you to request your travel instructions.

Notice, too, that you can zoom in (left side of pop-up).

And you can get a satellite shot of the area if you prefer. Click on Satellite. You can toggle back to Map.


Frances Toronto, Canada