Subject: Re: Escape From Winter: Australia |
G'day Sue and all cold-escaping Ziners,
Another small tid-bit of info on Narooma, which might be relevant to your time here - For anyone interested in whales, most of the coastline of Oz (excepting the far North) is a gold-mine for watchers about now (end of May to early July) as the wales head out of the Antarctic to breed . . . . but for some reason known presumably to the whales, Narooma is usually not so good, as they (the wales) head out too far to sea around this part of the coast to be seen easily. BUT from the end of September, they migrate South again to feed, and this time they invariably say close to the coast as the pass Narooma, making that area one of the best places to watch the Southbound move on the East coast. There are several good charter operators operating from the harbour. And to reinforce Barbara's input, the Great Ocean Road is well worth seeing, but start before Melbourne, and don't end at Warrnambool. IMHO the entire coast from about Hervey Bay (Qld) to Adelaide, in fact to Kangaroo Island, is well worth a leasurely trawl. Quicksilver gets my vote for the Reef too. Paul, in sunny Sydney |