Hi Ziners,

Planning our quick and easy summer vacation is already giving me headaches.

My current plan is to travel to Seattle on Saturday, take the ferry to Victoria on Sunday, head for Vancouver on Monday or Tuesday, back to Seattle on Wednesday, then back home on Thursday (yep, five days total--that's all we have).

There are six of us, and I was not planning to rent a car -- but figuring out the ferries etc is getting way too complicated for me. There seem to be a lot of choices, and I'm not sure what the differences are. I'm also unclear about how we're going to get from Vancouver to Seattle, so would appreciate suggestions on that (maybe we do have to rent a car just for that leg?)

Also, I have been to Vancouver once (20 years ago) and Seattle once (10 years ago) and would be interested to hear suggestions for family-oriented activities.

Thanks, JoAnne in Menlo Park, CA