Subject: Collapsible Electric Scooter
Hi Elaine,

Could you share with us more information about the scooter? In what way, and to what extent does Medicare aid in getting one? As I approach 75, with the accompanying bone problems, I dread the thought of giving up or limiting travel. I'm eagerly anticipating a trip to France in late September, mostly planned, and would love to go back to Italy next year. But I find myself prefacing such wishes now with "if I'm able to get around well enough." One never wants to slow down or be a burden to others, and my family would not like the idea of my traveling alone.

More information would be great. Maybe this should have been an off-line question, but I'm sure many Ziners would like to know more, either for themselves or their parents/relatives. How easy is this "blessing" to transport on planes, and does it require any pre-arrangement or "packaging"? I will anxiously await your response. Have a wonderful week-end.

Lou Matthews in Texas, looking out at the lake and overcast skies, which I hope will keep the temps below 100.

Mod's note from Linda: Thanks for sharing this publicly. You are right that this info might be of interest to many Ziners.