Subject: Re: European Vacation 2006 |
Hi Ziners,
When we went 10 years ago with our teens, we had a schedule similar to Jim and Judy's. It was developed from the wish list of my children together with a couple of places we wanted to go. It was our first trip to the Continent and we wanted to see it *all*! Since then, I have focused when I travel - three weeks in Paris, for example. I do think that there are ways to destress the trip such as a day or two in somewhere quiet. We spent a couple of nights in a youth hostel in Klosters, Switzerland where we saw NO museums! We travelled by train from city centre to city centre. We had train picnic lunches to save time and cut costs. We did not book accommodation ahead except for our first and last nights and in Rome. We made slight changes to our itinerary as we went. We had a great time and I would do it all over again! The only thing I would do differently is book a hotel for our arrival morning even though we arrived at dawn. I found my teens (especially my son who was 14 at the time) could not deal with jet lag. After some uncharacteristic whining, we spent some time in Paris with them asleep on a park bench. A different kind of trip! Frances Toronto, Canada |