Subject: Re: Italy travel |
Thanks, Carol. Yes, I was using the Medallion desk because we're members. The first attempt to fly into Florence was unsuccessful; on the second try we managed to get R/T'd in and out of Venice, which apparently has more flights and therefore more opportunity. So, note to self: try to fly in and out of Venice or Milan, much more opportunity than Florence. I guess we will take a train to and from Venice. Has anyone had any experience with this and know how to access systems for schedules and reservations? How about places to stay in Venice in the event we want to have a couple of days there? We collect glass and I'd love to go to Murano. BTW, there is some virtue in being relatively late: was able to negotiate a reduction from $2700 to $2000 euros/week for a more expensive villa that they had offered us earlier and that's what we have now, 10km outside of Florence. Recommendations on Florence for a first time visitor? Thanks, Jim in Salt Lake |