Subject: Reminder about Passport Requirements
Hi Ziners,

From time to time, Ziners ask about passport requirements. Today I received a message from Holland America Cruise Lines which outlines current and future rules for Canadian and American citizens. The information was issued in April 2005 by the U.S. Department of State under its proposed “Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative”. Note that these are "proposed", not yet enacted.

Beginning December 31, 2005, a passport or other accepted document will be required for all air and sea travel to or from the Caribbean, Bermuda, Central and South America.

Beginning December 31, 2006, a passport or other accepted document will be required for all air and sea travel to or from Mexico and Canada.

Beginning December 31, 2007, a passport or other accepted document will be required for all air, sea and land border crossings.

It seems that "other accepted document" has not been defined but travel-savvy Ziners know that a passport is the best form of identification.

Lucy, Toronto