Subject: Re: Cape Cod
Hi Barbara and Ziners,

We stay in North Falmouth, but I think Chatham is the most beautiful town on the Cape. And the Captains House Inn - - is a definite WOW.

Christians Restaurant - - is good, and Vinings Bistro - - gets excellent reviews.

For a WOW dinner, it's worth the ride to Chillingsworth in Brewster. Expect NYC prices for their 7 course dinner. I've eaten there only once many years ago, but have tried their Bistro since then. It's casual, very good and definitely less expensive.

And don't miss the drive along Route 6A - The Old King's Highway - with its lovely old homes, galleries, antique shops and restaurants.

Chamber of Commerce website - Chatham Historical Society -

Cape Cod is especially nice in the early Fall when the crowds are gone. Enjoy.

Regards to all, Charlotte in MA