Subject: Re: Wichita, KS
Hi, Harriet,

Sorry to be so late responding to your question, but I've been traveling and then getting ready to move and haven't checked here for awhile.

Here are my top two things I think you should definitely consider visiting in Wichita:

1) Botanica-The Wichita Gardens. This is a wonderful, gorgeous place that compares well with great gardens I've seen all over the world. There are many different areas including fountains, ponds, woodland walks, sensory gardens, and the most beautifully landscaped flowers and trees.

2) Museum of World Treasures in Old Town This museum moved to a new, larger location a year or so ago and has some excellent exhibits. They are a rather eclectic mix--everything from Egyptian mummies to movie stars and sports memorabilia to armor and ship models.

Angie-in Wichita