Subject: Re: VISA insurance coverage for rental car accident

We too are in the midst of a "discussion" with County Car Rental, Ireland, about damage to our rental car which happened after we dropped it off at Dublin Airport. E-mails and letters with the rental agency and with Bord Failte (Irish Tourist Board) have been flying but we have no settlement yet.

The rental company automatically deducted an amount of approximately $700 from our credit card and sent us a copy of an invoice for the repairs but we have no proof that there was any damage to the car. I've asked for a report, photo, any evidence, but have received only curt answers to my queries.

We are fighting this for a few reasons: (1) the rental company insisted that we purchase CDW despite the coverage offered through VISA which, we were told isn't valid in Ireland (though the company website states that it is RECOMMENDED not obligatory to purchase the CDW coverage); (2) we have no evidence of damage, just a copy of an invoice; and (3) we heard a lot about the rip-off culture emerging in Ireland and are worried that we are becoming victims of this.

This has been going on since June. So beware when renting a car in Ireland. Needless to say, County Car Rental is off our list and our travel agent has taken the company off it's list of car rental agencies.

Lucy, Toronto