Subject: A Sleeping Aid
Hi Ziners,

If you've ever stayed in a lodging that uses regular flat sheets instead of fitted ones on the bottom, or experienced mattress pads that don't fit properly, then you know that after one turn you're probably sleeping on a wrinkled mess. And there goes a good night's sleep.

To help solve this problem, when we travel we always take along a product called "Sleep-Snugs" which help keep the sheets smooth and in place throughout the night. I purchased my set at Bed Bed and Beyond for $3.99 for a set of four. They are each about the size of a clothespin and work by placing them over the bottom sheet and sliding them along the lower mattress bead. Extra large mattress beads may require slight widening of the snug slot. So we don't forget to take them off the bed when we check out, we leave the packaging on top of the suitcase as a reminder. We just returned from a 3-week trip to the Pacific Northwest and they really came in handy.

Gladys Buffalo, NY