Subject: Hotel in Paris
Hello Ziners,

Need your help!

Next year, George & I will celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary. We picked a 12 day cruise on NCL new ship "the Jewel" in Sept from Istanbul to Egypt to Greece, ending in Athens. We decided to renew our vows either on the ship (they have a chapel) or during sunset at Mykonos.

Next thing I know, I told a few friends and all wanted to come. Three other couples have anniversaries in Sept, ours is in August. We are now a total of 9 couples (more if any of you want to join us..Linda, what are you and Don doing next year? Lisa and Rick?) Some couples are staying in Athens for a few days but George and I and another couple want to spend the last four days before we return home in glorious Paris. This would be Sept 27th departing for home Oct 1st.

This is where I need the help: We arrive in Istanbul one day before we board. The Hotel Marmara has been recommended. Anyone know of it? Hotel in Paris. George wants one near the Louvre. He's insistent so I want to please. Someone told me of the Hotel Champaigne, 17 Rue Jean Lantier, 75001 Paris. I've been on the web site and it looks lovely. I would splurge on the deluxe suite. (this is a once in a lifetime event). Has anyone heard of this hotel? Does anyone have a better suggestion?? The hotel has quoted me 314 eur. And that is about as much as the budget will stretch, not much more than that unless I win the lottery.

This has turned out to become quite an event! We all have adjoining suites on the ship so we will be quite lively, and I'm really looking forward to celebrating renewing our vows with friends.

I look forward to hearing your ideas of how to make this as memorable an event as possible. Since Hurricane Wilma visited us, this trip has been our light at the end of a tunnel.

Regards, Marta & George Tamarac FL