Subject: Travel Food Finds
Hi, Ziners:

Frances posted an intriguing recipe for a Maltese sandwich.

My Maltese friend, Paul Muscat runs a popular local coffee house, speaks five languages, and concocts Cappuccino like a Tuscan. I passed along Frances' posting to him. Here's his take:

"It actually IS a quite excellent Maltese sandwich! An alternative way would be to use actual tomatoes instead of the paste. Get one fairly large ripe tomato, cut it in half and SMEAR each half on the slices of bread (kinda like squeezing an orange!). The remaining pulp can be either discarded or used as garnish on the sandwich as well, along with, preference permitting, olives, capers, parsley, tuna, garlic cloves etc. I used to have mine with just lashings of olive oil, salt and pepper (meaning no olives, tuna or anything else)... VERY GOOD stuff... guaranteed by ME ;) ~ Paul"

Thanks to Paul. Kudos to Frances!

Jerry E TN USA