Subject: Re: Do films inspire your travels?
Hi Margaret and Ziners,

Yes I have been inspired by a movie, or more precisly, a BBC Miniseries. The series was called Oliver's Travels and took place in England and Scotland. The story is funny, as well as a romantic love story and a thriller/mystery. My husband and I really loved it, taped it, and watched it numerous times. Then we found a website called Scotland, The Movie. It has every movie ever shot in Scotland along with directions to where the shots were taken.

For our 35th wedding anniversary last year we decided to make an Homage to Oliver's Travels and started at Hadrians Wall moving up to Eilean Donan and the Loch nearby and then finally to the Orkney Islands where the movie ended. We had such fun taking pictures of ourselves in the locations.It was a lovely and quite romantic trip!

If anyone wants to read my trip report it is at

Nancy from Virginia