Subject: Hawaii Notes - Kauai


>From Lihue airport, we headed northeast to Kilauea for two nights at Aloha Plantation (not recommended) and headed out to the Lighthouse and dinner at The Fish Market.

The next day was a long one starting with a stop at Hanalei Bay Park where we swam and watched surfing lessons, then along the beautiful coastline to Haena Beach State Park for a swim in glorious waters (time did not permit hiking the many interesting trails), a late lunch at Bubba’s Restaurant before a tour of Princeville and a stop at the well-known elegant and expensive Princeville Resort. We missed the Wednesday night Prime Rib & Just Desserts Chocolate Bar at a bargain $30 pp!

On the way south we took the Fern Grotto Boat Tour in Wailua (over publicized site but we heard that they hold one of the best evening Luaus on the island but too far for us to attend from the Poipu Beach area).

Continuing thru the Tree Tunnel and Koloa we arrived at Sugarmill Cottage #1 at Poipu Kai Resort, our adorable compact/comfortable home with cooking facilities for five nights (contact Suite Paradise Management 800-367-8029)...a Perfect Location within walking distance to three beaches and set between the Hyatt and Sheraton Hotels!

We loved the Poipu Beach area! Kauai really is the Garden Island with an abundant variety of beautiful, fragrant flowers. Our weather was just perfect to enjoy the relaxing atmosphere and delightfully warm ocean.

A drive up to Waimea Canyon, billed as the Grand Canyon of the Pacific, is well worth the time; the colorful rust colored canyons feature waterfalls and, from the northern most peak, a striking view of the beautiful northwestern Napali Coastline, accessible only by boat. Captain Andy's was recommended as the best sailing adventure, but a call indicated no boats were going out due to high seas (808-335-6833).

Roosters, meandering all over the place, are very prevalent on various islands, and more so at the Canyon top...they are not frightened off by sounds or people!

Other worthwhile attractions include Spouting Horn Park and Salt Pond sites. We toured the Waikola Marriott Hotel where we beached most of the time, the Hyatt which featured a Torch Lighting Ceremony in an inside open aired lounge; the background of the open stage was the sky, very impressive to watch as evening set in. The Sheraton also has a unique cocktail lounge.

The culinary highlight of our visit to Kauai was dinner at the famous Roy's Seafood Restaurant, not particularly outstanding in decor but Very Particulary Outstanding in its delightful and delectable dinner selections..... expensive but a Must!

We enjoyed breakfast at the Gaylord Plantation where ladies are presented with a lei upon arrival...a Hawaiin entertainer sits in the courtyard serenading guests who are seated around in an interesting configuration.

Aloha! Dom and Lucille Gioello, West Hartford,Ct.