Subject: GTG's
Dear Ziners,

We have fond memories of GTG's past and present and future. Like scrooge's ghosts but in a nice way.

Don and Linda e-mailed us when we first joined the group, mixing us up with another Marta in Florida, and it became the beginning of a wonderful friendship. Six of us had dinner at Bucca de Beppo(?) and had a jolly good time.

Then Lisa and Rick from Chicago came to Florida one New Year's day and since then have met many times for dinner at various restaurants, lunch on their boat, and we even cooked for them a couple of times. This coming Valentine's Day we plan on having dinner at a wonderful restaurant they found called 'Romantico's'..Now what can be better than that on Valentine's Day?

One memorable trip to California had us meeting a group of 'ziners at the restaurant at MOMA in LA. The waiters kept looking at us funny 'cause we all asked for the same same table for 12.....(We're meeting some people) but could not recognize each other. Priceless. If I had not been suffering from Jet lag, we would have stayed all night. Once we started talking it was like we had known each other forever. That is the beauty of 'ziners, we are such a huge family!

Finally, it seems that our wonderfully planned trip for our 25th wedding anniversary, ending in 4 days in Paris will be capped by 'ziners Lisa and Rick plus another 2 couples staying at the same Hotel at the start of their trip and the end of ours.

Could life get better than this?

Why don't you share some of your GTG moments?

Marta and George, Tamarac FL