Subject: Re: Aussie travelling to Wales
Hi Margot and fellow Ziners,

That's very exciting for you to have this unexpected trip to Wales! My husband is Welsh so we have been fortunate to have visited several times. I love Wales and wish you had more time to explore and also hope that the weather isn't too cold and damp for you while you are there! Is your friend able to travel about freely? If you have a car there are many lovely drives you can take.

Cardiff itself is a beautiful city. Great shopping, and the new Dockland area is full of interesting places to see, coffee shops, theatre, etc. If you want to find out about Welsh history St. Fagan's is a very interesting Folk museum just outside Cardiff. It is not your usual museum but one where they have all the different cottages etc from different times in Welsh history.

The most fun can be had by exploring some of the back roads, the rolling hills of South Wales are so beautiful and you come across the best surprises that way, eg. tiny villages and wonderful old Chapels. The drive to Tintern abbey is wonderful, then not far is the lovely market town of Abergavenny with it's castle and interesting Market, I think Market day is tues. but I can't remember of hand.

If you like Castles, Wales is full of them, some of them well preserved and some you just happen upon as a ruin as you drive. Then there is "The Bear" and old coaching Inn in the little town of Crickhowell, they have the most wonderful pub meals in the cozy old inn complete with fireplaces and dark wood beamed ceilings. They have some wonderful old characters who frequent there and on most friday nights there is an old man and his Jack Russell terrier that come for a pint! the dog has it's own chair. It's moments like this that make a holiday special and I hope that you will have time to experience some of this as the Welsh are a very warm and friendly people!

Also I am sure your friends family will be able to suggest some not to be missed thngs to do. Have fun and let us know what you did when you get back,

Gail in still rainy Vancouver!