Subject: Easter dinner in Venice
Hello Mike and Ziners,

The price you were quoted for dinner on Easter in Venice looks a bit pricey, even for Venice standards.

Many restaurants in Italy have fixed, expensive menus for lunch on Easter day, because many Italians celebrate the day eating out. The price is higher than usual because the food is either more abundant or especially made for the holiday. But at dinner there aren't special menus: you're either served what's left from lunch or you choose from the menu. A 3-course meal in a restaurant in Venice can cost a lot, but at a moderate one you don't spend more than 50 euro (60 usd) per person if you stick to house wine and you don't select some fancy bottle for the wine list.

Why don't you ask your hotel for suggestions? They know a great deal about nearby restaurants and they can give suggestions according to your budget.

Bye, Paolo Trieste, Italy