Subject: Re: Help with Australia and Tasmania
Hi Susie and Ziners,

I am afraid I brought up the fly problem. Way back in December they were swarming everywhere we went around Victoria, even in Melbourne and I couldn't imagine having to spend the next six months in their company. We were told they were particularly bad this year, even the locals were complaining bitterly. We were assured they are a feature of early summer and would eventually go away. They have not gone completely yet and the few that remain are just as persistent as the earlier swarms but in small numbers don't have the same capacity to ruin your day.

Don't know about the rest of Australia but we have our wide brimmed hats and veils and are ready to take them on.

It sounds as if we may be in Tasmania at approximately the same time (March 8th-18th) and I think we might need some warmer clothes than we do here.

I hope you have a great trip; Melbourne is a lovely city.

Regards, Sue Waterloo ON, currently in Castlemaine Victoria