Subject: Re Trip to France

We too did the drive from Beaune to Dijon which is chock full of vineyards to visit. The distance is short but can take a full day if you stop at wineries. Our experience was to drive up to a house, knock on the door and the proprietors were there to provide us with tastings. Ending in Dijon, we walked this charming town and ate before driving directly back to Beaune. The tourist office in Beaune has an excellent map of the area which indicates the wineries for your drive.

In Beaune there are many wineries and wine shops. Here's the site for the Hospice de Beaune. The site also has maps of the area.

We spent about three hours in one of the underground wineries with its caves lit only by candles. The entry fee gives you a tastevin for the tastings. The rooms start with whites, move on to reds and end in a shop where you can purchase your choices.

I don't recall the names of any of the restaurants we ate in but can tell you that their wine lists were top notch.

Some other useful sites for you.

Driving through the Loire Valley, you will have the opportunity to visit some of the beautiful chateaux. We visited Chambord with its famous double staircase and beautiful grounds but this is only one of the many to visit.

We stayed in Blois which also has a charming old town and wonderful food.

Don't forget to check the Zine archives. There are a number of posts about eating in Dijon and Beaune and some on Blois.

You will certainly eat and drink well on your trip. Enjoy. Lucy, Toronto