Subject: Re: Airport woes
Hi Diana:

I used to think Hawaii was a friendly airport, but not recently. I get hassled when transitting through Hawaii, the last time was because I didn't have a Hawaiian address - for a transit stop??

Last year a friend of mine, a landed immigrant from Solomons Islands and his Canadian wife were taken into detention under armed escort, by bus, just because an immigration officer didn't like his Solomon Islands passport. They had already spent a week in Hawaii on the trip out, but on the return leg from Solomons, immigration decided they didn't want him in the country. Then they let the couple go 15 minutes before their flight was due to leave - but they had to walk back to the airport. Naturally they were too late to make the flight, but fortunately so was their plane.

Next time I transit through Hawaii I will have a Cuban stamp in my passport; I wonder if that will cause any upset ...

Nadine Vancouver, BC