Subject: Re: Fiumicino to Spoleto
Dear Nancy,

We stayed in the Lago Bracciano area in the town of Anguillara Sabazia. The name of the hotel is Relais Due Laghi. I really wouldn't recommend it for a few reasons. It is actually in the country - no view of the lake, and it seems to specialize in company meetings, as one was in progress while we were there. We arrived in the dark (a challenge on the country roads), and discovered that the hotel, while nice, did not have the charm we look for in a "last night" spot. We were looking forward to a nice dinner, but the restaurant was only OK, and after three weeks of wonderful Italian food, it was disappointing.

Given the difficulty finding the hotel, then finding the airport the next day (poor signage, so we were trying to follow landing planes!) and the less than charming hotel experience, I would not recommend the Due Laghi as a last night stop.

Good luck in finding the "perfect place".

Winnie Newport, RI