Subject: Re: Lake Garda

I think 2 to 3 days is probably enough to get the flavor of Lago di Garda. By all means drive around it, to get a feel for all its different perspectives, and then spend a half- day in Sirmione at the south end of the lake. Sirmione is a little bit of a tourist trap, but nevertheless beautiful and charming with some wonderful lake-side restaurants.

About an hour or so east is one of my favorite towns in Italy, Verona, and I highly recommend a couple of days there. It is fantastic for walking, and gawking, and of course dining. For lunch in Italy combined with a sense of history, I've often thought there's no more moving a spot than one of the outdoor cafes facing the 2000 year old Roman Arena, right in the center of the old section. If you spend the night in Verona, be sure to find a place inside the historical center.

Ciao, Joel, in Chicago