Subject: Laos
Hi Ziners,

We are visiting Laos for a few days on our way to Europe in May. I've got a few questions and if anyone can help me I'd be very grateful for answers.

1 Flight from Bangkok to Luang Prabang. We will be flying to Bangkok from Sydney on Thai Airlines and then transferring to Bangkok Airways flight from Bangkok to Luang Prabang. Bangkok Airways agent in Sydney has told me that we have to go to the domestic terminal in Bangkok as the flight departs from there, which involves going through Thai customs and immigration even though we'll only be in Bangkok airport for a few hours. Is this correct?

2 Accommodation in Luang Prabang and Vientiane. We've been recommended Senesouk Guest House in Luang Prabang and Vayakorn GH in Vientiane - has anyone stayed in either or got other recommendations for mid range Guest Houses? I've found a booking engine on but reviews on the same site from unhappy customers indicate their bookings never reached the Guest Houses and/or the GH's just ignored them. This makes me think that Lao Hotel Group may be honest but they don't seem very efficient. It seems better just to go to Luang Prabang and find something when we get there, since it's the low season, and adopt the same policy for Vientiane Guest Houses - any comments?

3 Crossing the Friendship Bridge from Vientiane to Udon Thani (Thailand) and travelling to Udon Thani airport. Anyone taken this route? Flights from Udon Thani to Bangkok are only a fraction of the cost of flights from Vientiane to Bangkok so it seems well worth doing. From what I've read you just take a tuk-tuk to the bridge, bus over the bridge and then taxi to UT airport. Is this correct? I have read various accounts of what time the bridge closes at, ranging from 5.00 pm to much later. Any comments?

Any advice much appreciated

Michael Sydney, Australia