Subject: Re: Grand Canyon in August?
Hi Jennie,

My last visit to the Grand Canyon was about 15 Aug... so my info is a bit dated. I used to have a pic of my younger brother & I scuffling on the edge of the canyon when we were about 5 & 10 years old...but that was taken about 1950. 8-) Yes, the crowds will be large & sometimes LA's smog arrives to spoil the view. The drive according to Mapquest is about 112 miles, 2 1/2 hours each way so that's a consideration. But my main reason for writing is to say that probably the heat won't bother you. If you are used to living in Atlanta's humidity, you will find the dry Arizona heat a delight. I live in Oregon but in high desert country! I find I can easily tolerate the dry desert heat at least 20 degrees higher than when I'm in the more humid Willamette Valley heat of Portland or Eugene. So if this is your only opportunity to see the Grand Canyon, I'd say do it. It is so spectacular....hopefully you'll arrive on a clear day.

Good travels, Carol in sunny Central Oregon