Subject: Re: Next trip?
Hi Ziners,

We leave on the 16th May for a two months trip. First stop is Mauritius for a couple of days (we've been there before) then a week in the Seychelles, then to Madagascar for a two week tour with Guerba. We'll be doing the tour with my sister-in-law and our neice, who's just spent over a year in Burundi with the United Nations. We don't usually do tours, so it will be a pleasant change to have someone else do all the hassling. Then it's back to our our devices for a futher two weeks in Madagascar, then a couple of days in both Mayotte and the Comoros Islands (we can't resist having a sticky-beak at a new country!). We then fly to Reunion for 10 days. In 1989 on our way to Africa we spent a day in the Reunion airport (now, that's a story), and we vowed that one day we'd come back, as the terrain looked really interesting as we flew over.

In the meantime, we're in the process of organising the Sydney GTG on the 5th May at 7pm. Only thing not settled on yet is the location- all input welcomed! To date we have about ten definites, and a few maybes. All welcome!

Dianne in a sunny Sydney