Subject: Car rentals in France
Dear Ziners,

I am sure tis is a topic which has been discussed before but I am finding it is important to be current after out terrible ordeal in Lisbon with Budget this winter. (We had to have 18000Euro's available on our credit card so that we could decline the CDW and use our Gold Visa card. The only way around it was to take their insurance at 11E a day and then Visa would not cover you for any assistence.

Anyways I am arranging a car rental for our son and new bride on their honeymoon in France this summer and I don't want any surprises at the airport for them. They have a Royal bank Visa Avion card and would like to decline the CDW. They are 28 years old.

Has anyone had any recent rental experience or advice about renting in France? Is one company better than another. looking forward to your advice.

Charlotte from Ontario