Subject: Re: Bermuda Information
Hi Vince, Gerry, and other Ziners!

We've been to Bermuda only once so far and then by Cruise ship in October 1995. However, I've always wanted to return and have done some research on the subject.

In the CARP ezine at there are some 25 Bermuda vacation rental listings. The daily cost starts at $75 per couple for a cottage. Where you stay will depend on what you plan to do while on the island.

We're interested in the arts and concerts so we'd likely want to stay in Hamilton. If you want only peace and quiet, a property outside the town could be the answer.

The bus service on the island is good during the day but rather scant at night. You can't rent a car in Bermuda and the mopeds can be dangerous since the roads are narrow with stone walls instead of picket fences.

You could rent a bicycle if exercise is what you want. The Bermuda Railway Trail runs through most of the island, giving you excellent and beautiful views of the sea and the shores.

A short-cut between Hamilton and the other side of the bay is the Ferry service. We used it to go to the Naval Dock Yards. After a visit there, we took the bus back to Hamilton.

The Bermuda Dept of Tourism has an excellent book called the 'Blue Book'. It's a Travel Agent's Manual to the Islands of Bermuda. When I was doing my research, I called the Bremuda Tourist Bureau in Toronto and asked for all the available information on the islands. They have an office in New York City and are always pleased to help.

I hope that I have, pergaps, answered a question or 2 or, perhaps have given you new things to think about.

Sincerely, Peter Montreal, Canada