Subject: Re: Street food
Hi Frances,

Just yesterday I was waxing poetic to a friend departing for Zürich about the incredible sausages we get there. Here's what we wrote in our Switzerland 2000 travelogue:

"We made a quick stop in Zürich before catching our flight to Amsterdam and another to Toronto. Not too quick though to miss out on a special treat. At the corner of Bellevue Platz and the tiny Freieckgasse is the Vorderer Sternen sausage place where people line-up all day to buy these grilled beauties. We got in line and when our turn came we were drooling in anticipation. We were handed our bratwurst in paper, a small container of hot mustard and helped ourselves to a typical Swiss roll with a thick crust. There are tables for eating standing or sitting and you take any available place for the event. Dip your wurst into the mustard and savor the moment of your first bite. The crunchy outside, the moist inside, the incomparable flavor combine to transport you to heaven. Follow each bite with a chunk of bread from your roll to clear your palate before repeating the nirvana-like experience that must be a part of every visit to this city, no matter how brief."

Cheers! Linda in Toronto