Subject: Re: Packing tips
Hi Jane and other Ziners,

I spent 6 weeks in France in 2003 and carried my luggage myself when not on a train or bus. I am in my 60's. I want to remind you it's not a fashion show, and you won't see the people again, so it's OK to take a minimum number of hand washables that are easy to dry over night. I took 4 outfits and that worked for 6 weeks. It's possible.

Purchasing quick drying T's which can be found at hiking stores, Travel Smith has clothing along that line as well. Toiletries, i.e. hand lotions, face creams, etc., put in sample containers. No need for the giant economy size of anything.

Linda's suggestion of baggies is good. I used the reinforced plastic bags I found in a luggage store that once packed you press down getting the extra air out and never had a problem, but I also only had knits or other fabrics that did not wrinkle, although wrinkles are fine too. As a woman I used a silk scarf to act as a wrap if nights or rooms got too cool. It's smaller and lighter than a sweater or jacket, in my case.

It's about being in the experience, keep the packing to a minimum, you'll find plenty to bring back. Oh, and pack a collapsible bag so have something to bring your purchase back with you.

Enjoy your trip, we'll be watching for your report of your experience.

Naomi West Dallas TX